
当前位置:首页 > 单机攻略 > 《半神》作弊码秘籍



按ALT + [ ñ ]上帝模式(无损伤)

按Ctrl + Alt + [ B ]中999.999黄金

按ALT + [ Ť ]电信股精选

按CTRL + [ K ]杀死选定股

按ALT + [ F2代]恶灵任何单位

按Ctrl + Shift + [ C ]条复制单位/结构

按Ctrl + Shift + [五]粘贴股/结构

按ALT + [ F ]条即时一级( 20 )

按ALT + [五]线框模式

按Ctrl + Alt +为[ Z ]显示地图

按ALT + [一个]切换对手人工智能




Enable Cheats

Open the Game.prefs file with Notepad. This file is located in My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod.

Add the following lines to the beginning of the file (above the profile = {):

debug = {

enable_debug_facilities = true


After saving the file, right click and choose properties. Select the READ ONLY flag so that the file cannot be
overwritten. You may now use any of the following cheat commands while playing skirmish or tournament mode

Note: The enemy may also have access to any cheats that you enable and will not hesitate to use them against you.

Code:        Result:

ALT+[N]        God Mode (No Damage)

CTRL+ALT+[B]        999.999 Gold

ALT+[T]        Teleport Selected Unit

CTRL+[K]        Kill Selected Unit

ALT+[F2]        Spawn Any Unit

CTRL+SHIFT+[C]        Copy Unit/Structure

CTRL+SHIFT+[V]        Paste Unit/Structure

ALT+[F]        Instant Level Up (20)

ALT+[V]        Wireframe Mode

CTRL+ALT+[Z]        Reveal Map

ALT+[A]        Toggle Opponent AI

[MINUS]        Decrease Game Speed

[PLUS]        Increase Game Speed

类型:角色扮演  大小:180 MB  更新:2021-04-15
冒险 竞技 仙侠 神话










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