
当前位置:首页 > 游戏问答 > Ryse:罗马之子无法存档怎么办解决方法








   if you already had the chance to play Ryse after it went live earlier today, you might have encountered an issue where the game lost your save, forcing you to restart the campaign when rebooting. 

   This issue was due to a problem with the syncing of save games between your game and the Steam Cloud. 

   We have just released a Hotfix to address this issue, so you will once again be able to save both locally and in the Cloud, as intended. It will also help gamers who reported issues with certain Checkpoints after dying. 

   Unfortunately, it is not possible to retrieve previously lost saves, and affected users will have to start the campaign anew. 

   We apologize to everyone affected, and hope you will enjoy your journey to save Rome this weekend. 







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