命运destiny 悬赏任务相关敌人名字形象图鉴
1.Frigoris, Exiled Baron (Story 模式: Shrine of Oryx)
2.SIMiks-3 (Story 模式: The Archive)
3.Grayliks, Winter Baron (Story 模式: The Archive)
4.Sepiks Prime (Strike 模式: Devil's Lair)
5.Aksor, Archon Priest (Strike 模式: Winter's Run)
Exalted Hive类
1.Major Knight (Story 模式: ) 无名
2.Swarm Prince (Story 模式: Sword of Crota) You fight three of these in a row with a sword
3.Telthor, Unborne (Story 模式: Chamber of Night)
4.Sardok, Eye of oryx (Story 模式: Shrine of Oryx)
5.Major Wizard (Strike 模式: The Summoning Pits) Name unknown
6.Phogoth (Strike 模式: The Summoning Pits)
Vex Axis Minds类
1.Zydron, Gate Lord (Story 模式: Eye of a Gate Lord)
2.Progeny(Story 模式: Eye of a Gate Lord)
3.Sol Progeny (Story 模式: The Black Garden) Actually three guys
4.Sekrion, Nexus Mind (Strike 模式: The Nexus)
5.Ultra Harpy (Raid 模式: Vault of Glass) Name unknown
6.Ultra Hydra (Raid 模式: Vault of Glass) Name unknown
7.Ultra Minotaur (Raid 模式: Vault of Glass) Name unknown
Cabal Command类
1.Bracus Tho'ourg (Story 模式: Exclusion Zone)
2.Bracus Tha'aurn (Story 模式: The Buried City)
3.Primus Sha'aull (Story 模式: The Garden's Spire)
4.PSion Flayers (Strike 模式: Dust Palace)
5.Valus Ta'aurc (Strike 模式: Cerberus Vae III)
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