
当前位置:首页 > 单机攻略 > 《真实战争2:北方十字军》v2.2.5版作弊码秘籍



From the Campaign Map, press "T" then enter any of the following cheat codes.



moreleadership(More Leadership Points)更多领导点数

moreexp(More Experience)更多经验

morearmyexp(More Army Experience)更多军队经验

morehorses(More Horses in Army)更多战马

autowinon(Auto Win Battle)自动胜利

autowinoff(Disable Auto Win)关闭自动胜利

freeplayon(Activate Sandbox Play)启动沙盘游戏

mongolsinvasion(Activate Mongol Invasion Event)激活蒙古入侵事件


The simplest way to modify the game for gold, items, or changing your characters, and army attributes is to start a game, save, and exit.

Then locate the save in:

C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\Real Warfare 2 - Teutonic order\profiles\[CHARACTER NAME]\customs

Open the xxx.map file in a hex editor (hex workshop is my preference). Next press Ctrl + F, and search for Hex 6865 726F 476F 6C64 or text string 'heroGold'.

The second entry will be the header for your character and all his stats, mod away.

NOTE: To increase item quantity you must possess the item first. If you have freezes on load, check that values aren't increased beyond 9, or 99, depending on item amount in inventory, i.e. if you start with 120 gold you can only increase it to 999 gold and then when you fight a battle you'll have 1020 gold save and repeat above steps increasing it to 9999 gold; same goes for all values.






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