Rooftop Level 2 - Storage Room, code 4801
Penthouse 1B - Atrium Door, code 0682
33 Hlavni Apartments
Mini-Storage, code 4227
Mini-Storage, code 2913
Apartment 201, code 6864
Allison Complex
4rth Floor, code 0011
Cellar Door, code 5622
Dvali Restricted Zone [South Map]
Locked Door, code 0311
Government Registration Office
Computer, password Samithedog
Terminal, code 6788
Konycky & Hracky
Alley Safe, code 2489
L.I.M.B. Clinic
Locked Door, code 4464
Helipad Area
Locked Door, code 4465
Palisade Property Bank
Evan Prybil Security, code 0310
VIP Vault (Room B, Row 06), code 5545
Account [Checking Out the Men in Charge], code 1363
Palisade Sewer
Level 3 Terminal, code 1363
Level 4 Safe, code 4863
Palisade Station
Mini-Storage, code 2565
Level 3 Room, code 0666
Poor Apartments (Adam’s Apartment Building)
Apartment 22, code 0310
Svobody Beer Hub
Cellar Door, code 1015
Tech Noir
Storage, code 2469
Time Machine
Alley Mini-Storage, code 1984
Toy Factory [Restricted Zone]
Mini-Storage Safe, code 2489
Tubehouse Electronics Store
Door Lock, code 0310
TF29 Headquarters
Office Outside the Shooting Range
Safe, code 2023
IT Support Office
Terminal, code 5545
Duncan Macready’s Office
Computer, password Sharp007
Peter Chang’s Office
Computer, password Aphasia5689
Vincent Black’s Office
Computer, password Origami1970
Golem City
ARC Restricted Area
Mini-storage, code 2544
Room 350420, password Vm451
Dr. Martine’s Home
Safe, code 9990
Exterior Area
Bridge Terminal, code 3354
Social Hub Floor 3
Police Barrack, code 2232
Locked Door, code 2046
Medical Storage, code 6123
Apex Centre
CSO Office, Floor 7, code 5395
VIP Room, Floor 2, code 2202
+- 《杀出重围:人类分裂》第四关红灯区一览 08-29 《杀出重围:人类分裂》神经抗凝剂examine作用效果一览 08-29
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- 《杀出重围:人类分裂》DLC盘点一览 08-29 《杀出重围:人类分裂》M12电梯上不去解决办法一览 08-29
- 《杀出重围:人类分裂》DLC及优化问题官方解答 08-29 《杀出重围:人类分裂》普通难度全程不杀人通关心得 08-29
- 《杀出重围:人类分裂》第一关教学关物品收集图文指南 08-29 杀出重围:人类分裂分辨率怎么设置 08-23
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