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  I just beat the game. The ending is absolute garbage and the game is incomplete. No Spoilers.(self.Deusex)

  by ThatOneChappy

  Jim Sterling was fucking right all those months ago. Square Enix has effectively cut one game into two, of this I am certain. The story ends before it even begins. You barely get to know most of the characters and a bunch don't even get proper, fulfilling conclusions.

  The ending is a cheap cliff hanger. The villain barely gets any screen time, the game doesn't delve into his motivation or who he really is what so ever, he has a cool presence but that's about it. and do note that I have been reading E-mails and hacking stuff left and right. The big reveal at the end was obvious from a mile away.

  Where this game ends, is where it should have picked up. If anyone wants spoilery details just PM but essentially, after five years, what Eidos Montreal gives us is an absolute half cooked shit show. Buy this for the amazing gameplay, be disappointed with the story.

  Fuck it IW might actually have a better story. Atleast that game FELT COMPLETE.

  翻译:我刚打通了游戏,整个游戏感觉像是个半成品而结局更是像垃圾一般糟糕。 Jim Sterling几个星期前的话完全一语中的。SQ非常熟练的把一部游戏砍成了两部,这点我是非常确定的。整篇故事在本该成为开头的地方草草收尾。人物塑造的让人感到一知半解,还有一帮人连属于自己的下文都没有。









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