- 泰坦之旅:不朽王座-十周年纪念版 8号
- 平台:PC 类型:游戏补丁 发布:2017-06-12 大小:655 MB
星球爆炸系列游戏大全 长途客车模拟类游戏大全 鬼屋逃脱系列游戏大全 水果合成系列游戏大全 曼德拉记录系列游戏大全 放置地牢系列游戏大全 吞噬星球的游戏大全 猪猪侠系列游戏大全

手机扫一扫 安装更快捷
- 固定的错误宠物工具提示不更新时,玩家接受+技能效果
- 固定宠物改变队伍的敌人在MP游戏
- 提高地牢区域控制的响应能力
- 固定崩溃时打开可能发生在特定系统上的库存
- 修正了错误地检测到处理器核心数量的问题
- 修复了可能的游戏崩溃相关的保存游戏系统
- 修正了包含发现的地图区域的保存游戏可能会损坏的bug
- 固定几个可能发生“橡皮筋”的区域。
- 修复过多的雾在undeground级别
- 常见的怪物项目现在显示他们的名字中的词缀,不再有一种特殊的颜色
- Shrines现在给他们的奖金给大家旁边,当他们激活
- 失真波现在有10秒的冷却时间,每个修改器减少3秒
- 敏感性现在也降低毒性电阻
- 防御反应现在也增加了出血损伤
- 接近力量现在也增加了出血的伤害
- 核心居民的野火现在降低了站在火焰中的敌人的攻击能力
- 核心居民的变态现在给予100-1000生活,而不是10%-100%
- Wisp的Thunderclap现在可靠地击中敌人
- 稍微降低Liche King的Wraith Shell吸收
- 对脚本场景和NPC演员的许多改进
- 修正在牛头怪,木乃伊,Ratman和爬虫类英雄的缺失免疫
- 增加对Gargantuan雪人拳击和野猪Snatcher咬伤的损害
- 在砂砾下降低难度缩放
- 增加大小和健康的Krog无牙
- 使某个老板略少免疫毒素和出血
- 添加了一个不寻常的英雄产卵
- 在Shadowmaw的胸部改进战利品
- Ichtian潮汐球现在做冷的伤害,而不是元素
- 在一些Ichtians困难的调整技能进展
- 独眼巨人长老少呼喊
- 龙类法师不会经常施放风暴球
- 调整龙类魔法师使用反射
- 更新的传播效果对敌人的治疗技能
- 在Jacinto(Zombie hero)上修复毒药伤害进化
- 固定刺痛荨麻在Nesis Fleshmender(萨特英雄)
- 修复了一些埃及僵尸队长的健康
- 莱蒙和哈辛托(特殊的僵尸英雄)给予更大的奖励
- Melinoe Blood女巫更容易穿戴设备
- 半人马更可能戴头饰
- Bloated One更有可能掉落Albino Spider网站
- Wraiths现在有机会放弃Spectral Matter
- 修复了一些与武器兼容的疾病羽毛
- 增加疾病羽毛毒药奖金5%。
- 普罗米修斯的礼物现在授予一个自定义变化的地球附魔
- Crystal Tear(Artefact)现在也增加了Frostburn和Electric Burn的伤害
- 宠物现在更喜欢攻击敌人,粉碎推车
- 改进状态栏中敌人debuff的显示
- 固定按下按钮图标上的震荡伤害技能
- 改进的敌人纹理变化系统
- 改进Abyssal Liche死亡效果
- 改进的幽灵和动画
- 改进的蜘蛛和野猪Snatcher网效果
- 为楔形文字的平板电脑添加了降噪声
- 固定地图触发区域在Megara前面可见
- 固定长安门不打开,尽管正确的任务状态
- 固定Gorgon门不打开,尽管正确的任务状态
- 修正了Typhon发布现场可能的崩溃
- 修正了Paseron救援任务可能出现的问题
- 对俄语和德语文本的各种改进
- 添加乌克兰文本文件
22nd March 2017
- Fixed bug where pet tooltips do not update when players recieve +skill effects
- Fixed pets changing team to enemy in MP games
- Improved responsiveness of controls in dungeon areas
- Fixed crash when opening inventory that could happen on specific systems
- Fixed bug where number of processor cores could be detected incorrectly
- Fixed possible game crash related to save games system
- Fixed bug where savegame containing discovered map areas could get corrupted
- Fixed several areas where a "rubber banding" could happen.
- Fixed excessive fog in undeground levels
- Common monster items now show their affixes in their names and no longer have a special color
- Shrines now give their bonuses to everyone next to them when activated
- Distortion Wave now has a 10 second cooldown, decreasing by 3 seconds with each Modifier
- Susceptibility now also decreases Poison Resistance
- Defensive Reaction now also increases Bleeding Damage
- Unearthly Power now also increases Bleeding Damage
- Core Dweller's Wildfire now decreases Offensive Ability of enemies standing in the flames
- Core Dweller's Metamorphosis now gives 100-1000 Life instead of 10%-100%
- Wisp's Thunderclap now hits enemies reliably
- Slightly lowered Liche King's Wraith Shell absorption
- Numerous improvements to scripted scenes and NPC actors
- Fixed missing immunities on Minotaur, Mummy, Ratman and Reptilian heroes
- Increased damage of Gargantuan Yeti punches and Boar Snatcher bites
- Lowered damage scaling with difficulty on Sand Wraiths
- Increased size and health of Krog the Toothless
- Made a certain boss slightly less immune to Poison and Bleeding
- Added an unusual hero spawn
- Improved loot in Shadowmaw's chest
- Ichtian Tidal Orbs now do Cold damage instead of Elemental
- Adjusted skill progression with difficulty on some Ichtians
- Cyclops Elders shout less frequently
- Dragonian mages do not cast Storm Orbs quite as often
- Tweaked Dragonian mages' use of Reflection
- Updated Dissemination effect on enemy heal skills
- Fixed Poison Damage progression on Jacinto (Zombie hero)
- Fixed Stinging Nettle on Nesis Fleshmender (Satyr Hero)
- Fixed low health of some egyptian Zombie Captains
- Leimon and Jacinto (special Zombie heroes) give greater rewards
- Melinoe Blood Witches are more likely to wear equipment
- Centaurs are more likely to wear headgear
- The Bloated One is more likely to drop Albino Spider Webs
- Wraiths now have a chance to drop Spectral Matter
- Fixed some Diseased Plumages being compatible with weapons
- Increased Diseased Plumage Poison bonus by 5%.
- Prometheus' Gift now grants a custom variation of Earth Enchantment
- Crystal Tear (Artefact) now also increases Frostburn and Electric Burn damages
- Pets now prefer attacking enemies to smashing carts
- Improved display of enemy debuffs in the status bar
- Fixed pressed button icon on Concussive Damage skill
- Improved enemy texture variation system
- Improved Abyssal Liche death effects
- Improved Wraith and Liche animations
- Improved spider and Boar Snatcher web effects
- Added drop sound to the Cuneiform Tablet
- Fixed map trigger area being visible in front of Megara
- Fixed Chang'an gates not opening in spite of correct quest status
- Fixed Gorgon gate not opening in spite of correct quest status
- Fixed possible crash at Typhon release scene
- Fixed possible problem with Paseron rescue mission
- Various improvements to Russian and German texts
- Added Ukrainian text files
by thegfw
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