- 欧陆风云4 v1.21.1升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
- 平台:PC 类型:游戏补丁 发布:2017-04-28 大小:69 MB
手机早教游戏大全 超变手游传奇排行榜前十名 房屋设计类的游戏大全 连连看消除类游戏大全 星厨奇迹所有版本 僵尸战车游戏合集 英雄格斗系列游戏大全 梦想时光城游戏合集

手机扫一扫 安装更快捷
2.安装《欧陆风云4》 v1.20升级档+天命DLC:http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/69511.html
- 固定不是将新的Ironman游戏保存到云端。
- 清现在不是形成袁而不是秦。
- 修正了从侵略性扩张中接受的AI来电撤销。
- 固定报价Condottieri对话框未显示给目标播放器。
- 如果禁用重命名省份的MP设置,则不再阻止单播Player中的重命名省份。
- 支流的盟友现在可以被召入战争。
- 殖民地不能再攻击所有相邻的原始人(他们现在被他们的霸主保护他们)。
- 殖民地现在可以利用其首都在新世界攻击所有独立国家(并不被他们的霸主所保护)。
- 你现在需要至少12个月的战争,才能无条件投降。
- 转移主题和平条约不能再在支流上使用。
- 每个发展现在提供30而不是25名水兵。
- 海军传统提供20%的水手恢复,而不是+ 10%。
来自Burghers Estate的Autononmy不再影响水手的发展。
- 失去的任务现在持续了20年,除了旧的作用之外,它还减少了外交收益,并且包括从0命令的影响。
- 失去使命现在将稳定性降低2。
- 失去使命使分裂主义的反叛者更有可能。
- 无人护卫的游牧前沿灾难现在将进展得更快。
- 改革社会现在需要ADM技术8。
- 受试者不能再向省人力资源部门加油。
- 加强海军思想小组。
- 由于所有者拥有国家,机构将不再在拥有国家以外的贸易公司成员省份自动传播。
- 码头现在来到了Shipyars的技术。
# 单位
- 海上船只每月的水手维护费用约为2%。一些想法和效果可以减少它。
- 大大减少了殖民地认知机构渴望把重点放在首位。
- 修正了AI的问题,想要让您在不幸的时候不会积极/惩罚支流。
- 修正了如果后者加入,AI考虑攻击支流大大低估了霸主的力量。
- 在战争声明逻辑中改进AI功率平衡估计。
- AI支流国家,殖民主义者和Daimyo Vassals现在只能以自己的身份建立间谍网络(不是为了霸主)。
- 改进AI部队的风险评估。
- 添加AI设置来保留所有条约。
- 如果国际社会需要皇帝的保护,对皇帝有友好的态度,AI国家现在可以加入人权。
- 大赦国际现在更关心托尔赛西斯条约(特别是与索赔人有联系的时候)。
- 修正了导致人工智能获得允许的外交关系数量的错误。
- 修正了如果无盖费用超过100%,大赦国际不能选择具有上限战绩的和平条约。
- 当人大宣誓要惩罚不接受支流地位或拒绝承诺的时候,他们现在不太愿意和平。
- AI现在更关心不要超过允许关系的数量(-50而不是-20)。
- 稍微调整AI可以使更多样化(更少blobby)HRE。
- AI HRE皇帝现在更多地发挥首领和返回省份给他们的合法所有者。
- 修正了导致AI永远不会离开联盟的错误。
- 大赦国际现在试图在和平时将战争疲劳减少到几乎为零。
- AI现在可以超过预算招募足够的军队进行围困(尽管不超过力量限制)。
- AI支流在重要/重大战争中不再认为他们的霸主使他们安全。
- AI海军运输可以永久卡住的固定情况。
- 固定情况下,AI战友可以一起围攻一个堡垒,但不是每个人,而且都呆在家里。
- 修正了AI没有派出所需的加强战斗的问题。
- 修正了选举君主制中外国统治者只有一个人格。
- 文字告诉你,当你得到你的下一个喜好现在也列出了一年。
- 滚动条滚动速度现在更适合带有滚动条的文本框中的文本数量。
- 政府观点:改进绝对主义工具提示。
- 修正了Liberty Desire在主题视图中排序不适用于所有主题类型。
- 外交视图个人联盟关系工具提示现在显示有关继承的机会和再次破解机会的信息。
- 外交视图支流关系工具提示现在显示支流信息。
- 分类帐第9页改进的破坏显示。
# 弹出窗口
- 添加了一个单独的弹出窗口,被拖入主题的战争。
- 状态视图:改进了提升横幅GUI元素的工具提示。
- 状态视图:如果您或所选省份的所有者有可能提高横幅(满族作为主要文化),则会显示横幅GUI元素。
- 添加了一个选项,禁止手动更改多人游戏中的省名。
- 估计你现在赚多少钱现在也假设你将会成为一个完整的核心。
- 修正了和平观点中的联盟警告,总是说联盟将形成对你的态度,即使应该说他们。
- 修正了和平视野中的联盟警告没有显示支流或大佬。
- “禁运对手”主题互动现在有一个单独的工具提示取消。
- 当使用修改器将建筑物建造到州维护时,现在将显示状态维护减少值。
- 战争声明对话共同工具提示现在将引用“盟友”或主题类型名称。
- 固定需求非法地区接受(有索赔)工具提示缺少省名。
- 修正了战争声明对话共同手段的工具提示,如果他们是别人的对象,则将敌方盟友称为“敌方支流/殖民地/大明”。
- 当您因处罚而不会获得任何君主权时,增加了警告,提醒工具提示。
- 在军事视图中增加了有关骑兵到步兵比率的更多信息。
- 骑兵骑兵比重越来越高。
- 向建筑物添加“不可毁坏”属性,将其设置为是将免除该类建筑物被破产破坏。
- 添加了add_adm_tech,add_dip_tech,add_mil_tech的效果。
- 添加了add_next_institution_embracement =
- 错误日志现在得到两个备份(“error_old.log”和“error_old_old.log”)。
- 添加了新的国家/地区修改程序'sailor_maintenance_modifer'
- imperial_authority_value修饰符现在只影响HRE权限。
- imperial_mandate修饰符,而不是添加来影响命令。
- 修正了“is_owned_by_trade_company = no”没有采取“否”部分。
- 添加了is_potential_overlord和can_be_建立主题类型,并且can_be_overlord触发器,检查前者。
- 增加了revanchism触发器。
- 添加了日志效果和触发。
- 添加了add_active_policy和had_active_policy效果和触发器。
- 增加了脚本功能can_declare_bankruptcy。
- 添加了脚本函数can_colonize_province。
- is_incident_active触发器现在支持= any / yes / no / none。
- 支持脚步外交行动(部分),旨在允许修改主题类型。
- variable_arithmetic_trigger允许在本地定义,添加,减法,乘法,除法和检查变量。
# 决定
- 只要满足满族文化,现在就可以形成满族标签,而不是成为三个女王标签之一。
- 增加决定形成大元。
- 如果不在中国的人员被扣留,中国帝国的恢复决定。
- AI现在更不愿意在不礼貌的哥萨克事件中打败哥萨克人的革命,因为他们对哥萨克人的遗产感到愤怒。
- 将儒家事事重新命名为新儒家思想。
- 新发事件的计时器现在从上一次事件结束开始计数,而不是开始。
- 瓷器的价格变动事件现在触发欧洲电力的5%的交易份额,而不是10%。
- Bötger降低中国软件价格的活动现在要求价格首先上涨(因此有需求)。
- 根据欧洲需求调整了一些价格变动事件,如果他们在欧洲拥有土地,则可以为非欧洲人更容易获得。
- 为匈牙利增添新的风味。
- 增加事件,让戴越在早期的游戏中选择儒家与大乘佛教,为天使任命。
- 房地产事件Disloyal哥萨克人现在只会产生农民的反叛份子,而不是民族主义者。
- 大使馆的俄罗斯风味活动现在将向首都最新的非现行机构增加少量机构进展。
- 如果一个外部的权力是京都和旧幕府堡保留其他省份,他们现在将失去幕府将军的地位和他们的大明。像以前一样,大宇可以通过征服京都重新建立幕府将军。
- 增加了元元的想法。
- add_manpower与(但不包括)-1之间的十进制值,1不再意味着“最大人力的分数”。为此,请使用add_yearly_manpower。
- 更新脚本以使用add_yearly_manpower,而不是不推荐使用add_manpower来添加总池的百分比。
- 中国帝国现在使正义人格无效。
# 建立
- 长沙首都改为巴尔楚杜克。
- Vistula Spit现在从Danzig延伸到Königsberg。马里恩堡和埃尔曼德不再是港口。
- 将摩拉维亚分裂成布尔诺和奥洛穆茨
- 将布雷斯劳省分解为布雷斯劳和莱尼茨
- 添加费耶省。
- 增加贝尔格莱德省(Nándorfehérvár起始由于匈牙利拥有)。
- 加入了特伦西诺省,轻轻地甩了斯洛伐克。
- 在1444年将Ersekujvar改名为Hont。
- 增加了摩拉维亚的叛逆标签。
- 修正了楚科奇半岛部分地区的省份。
- 修复雷宾斯克附近的色彩问题。
- 调整广州的边界要更加清晰。
- 清理匈牙利的省份历史
- 有害生物现在和内陆贸易中心。
- 索科特拉现在在亚洲。
- 长盛现在是壮族文化的主要标签。
- 庆尚和玉金现在开始与韩国文化。
- 满族文化现在已成为Evenk文化团体的一部分。
# Bug修复
- 允许迁移的检查和您可以迁移的省份现在更加一致。
- 固定崩溃后删除自定义国家后,统治者被给予随机的人格。
- 新的Ironman保存文件现在在开始游戏而不是选择文件名时创建。
- 西班牙菲律宾人现在在历史开始的适当日期核心。
- 个性事件49将不再有你邀请自己参加一个聚会,如果你持有一个以上的王位。
- 不能在未被发现的省份开发或建设。
- 现在国家转向使用政府形式的议会。
- 修正了一些在consort_events.303到305中查找标尺而不是consort的触发器。
- 想要科目的省份现在与想要拥有的省份分开。
- 删除省份名称“CapeCàMau”的额外开普省。
- 扩大机械师解释为神道机修工具提示。
- 自治反叛压迫不再派遣单位在你的支流中狩猎叛军。
- 修正了在当前事件被看到完成之前可能允许事件触发的错误。
- 修正奥地利使命中的一些打字错误,“回归皇冠”。
- 修正了在使用Alt-F4创建保存并退出游戏之后,Ironman保存的附件可以被禁用的问题。
- 省/州视图:修复了“文化”的缺失本地化。
- 教皇废除弹出窗口不应该声称是正在离婚的教皇。
- 主题互动事件40“正当所有权”现在将提及其目标在哪个省份,AI将评估他们更仔细地授予或保留它们的决定。
- 格雷尔现在在1444年正式有继承人。
- 固定的殖民国家在执行历史时失去核心和/或消失。
- 省份视图现在关闭转移职业窗口。
- 单位的预计抵达日期现在将更加正确。
- 抵达后,单位将不再失去进入下一个省份的进度。
- 固定重命名文件(包括保存文件),如果用户帐户名称包含特殊字符(如“Ł”),则无法在Windows上正常工作。
- 如果控制器不是真实的,Revolt弹出窗口现在检查省的所有者。
- 改进了拜占庭任务和紫色菲尼克斯特派团的选择,使他们在一些少数情况下,不针对盟国或附庸的一致性。
- 移动资本现在将从新的首都清除遗产。
- 另一个加入你的贸易联盟的国家的弹出窗口现在使用更多的线条来避免溢出。
- 修复Bohuslän的不良单位。
- 不能从未被发现的贸易节点获得“交易”奖金给一个贸易商品。
- 所有Karenni地区现在是暹罗贸易节点的一部分。
- 高贵的灾难将不再改变幕府将军或大明的政府。
- Ryuku在以后的开始日期不再是不存在的Ashikaga的主题。相反,他们是德川的主题。
- 固定第一岛津理念的题目。
- 修复了美国的重复省份名称。
- 更多的触发器和效果现在正确地大写。
- 添加颜色到间谍网络事件效果工具提示。
- 修正了神道事件3的描述文本中使用的错误省份。
- 雄心勃勃的奖金现在一直写成这样,而不是“野心”。
- 固定的战斗在一方完全崩溃后,在某些情况下不会结束。
- 1686.10.30以后,清朝开始成为天国帝国。
- 如果你不能从他们的统计提升中受益,印度教事件现在应该赔偿你的一些君主权力。
- 修复南班事件中的故障触发,使其无法触发。
- 事件9030“旅行僧侣”现在只会触发一个仍然关心这些游客的省份。
- 影子王国现在更好地对应于新的地图区域。
- 教皇不再担心他会在“封斋事件”中抓住自己在间谍活动。
- 如果收件人已经在联盟中,邀请贸易联盟的工具提示将不再再抱怨转让贸易权力。
- 儒家国家现在封闭了“流行宗教”遗产活动。
- 固定的问题可能使日本事件链中的基督教过早地结束。
- 受试者不再让自己的霸主拥有所有省份的主体文化,而是自己保留。
- 在宏观建设者省建筑清单中的免费插槽的工具提示现在将说明省内的建筑物数量。
- 日本风味事件“Attempt Coup”现在更罕见。
- 固定的法令图标在打开领土状态窗口然后切换到真实状态后消失。
- 添加PS_WAR_TAXES_LIMIT_MIN(默认为0)以限制战争税的最低成本。
- kill_leader效果将不再杀死给定类型的所有领导。
- 固定支流没有得到例如征服Casus Belli基于附庸的声明。
- OSX / Linux:当显示关于支流的消息不能支付他们的年度贡献时,修复CTD。
- 固定状态视图省份列表排序非常不守规矩。
- 支流现在可以使其他支流瓦解。
- 固定韩国没有一个关于旧文本的儒家事件的旧时代。
- 在CCountry :: ClearRelations中修复CTD。
- 如果机构窗口在查看状态视图时打开,省视图建筑物列表按钮将不再消失,然后关闭。
- add_harmonized_religion工具提示现在将正确包含宗教的名称。
- 日本殖民国家的反叛份子将不再从CN分离成日本的大佬。
- 在停战时不能再取消支流状态。
- 固定正常(非领土)核心有时会在吞并国家时消失。
- 当形成新标签时,一个国家的延迟事件现在更新为新标签。
- 部落继承危机的假装叛乱者现在将从一个省份开始。
- 部族继承危机现在只能触发3个省以上的部落。
- 由于缺乏继承人的玫瑰活动,如果您已经有了这个人格,就不会再触发。 1455年之后,不幸的人格现在就好像你在这个事件中给出了修改者一样。
- 佛教国家现在支付外交力量,为和平交易省份。
- 增加了对几个继承人产卵活动的检查,这些事件缺乏联合的工作。
- 各国将不再认为他们的支流有助于他们的相对实力。
- 一个国家将不再考虑自己的殖民地,而不是相对强度计算中的敌人。
- 修正了当一个Unior合作伙伴宣布独立战争时,弹出式表示摄政(或并列摄政)死亡。
- 修改了改革社会决策的一些不一致。
- 修正了个人联盟的小辈,即使他/她继承了王位,继承他们的继承人。
- 如果启用了“转移交易”,则无法取消交易电力转移作为主题。
- 警告和保证现在在进入主题关系时被清除。
- 修正了is_dynamic_tag触发器返回错误的值,与NOT一起使用。
- 不能再以与自己的霸主的自愿主体关系联系盟友了。
- 固定了属于圣劳伦斯湾和哈德逊湾贸易节点的一些省份。
- 修正了ai想法权重的不良作用域。
- 现在只能在由你控制的敌人或拥有敌人的省份烧焦地球。
- 修正了错误的地方,明知不管怎么强制地将所有的基督徒在他们的统治下转变,无论他们居住在世界上多少人。
- 修复了COfferCondottieriAction中的崩溃。
- OSX / Linux:事件触发事件时修复崩溃。
- Fixed not being to save new Ironman games to cloud.
- Manchu provinces now start with Feudalism again.
- Qing now stopped from forming Yuan rather than Qin.
- Fixed that AI Call to Arms acceptance from Aggressive Expansion was reversed.
- Fixed Offer Condottieri dialog not shown for target player.
- No longer blocked from renaming provinces in Single Player if the MP setting for renaming provinces is disabled.
- Tributaries' allies can now be called into wars.
# Gamebalance
# Colonization
- Colonies can no longer attack all neighboring primitives (and they are now protected against them by their overlord).
- Colonies can now attack all independent nations with their capital in the New World (and are not protected against them by their overlord).
# Diplomacy
- You now need at least 12 months of war before you can unconditionally surrender.
- Transfer Subject peace treaty can no longer be used on Tributaries.
# Economy
- Each development now provides 30 instead of 25 sailors.
- Naval Tradition provides 20% faster sailor recovery instead of +10%.
- Autononmy from Burghers Estate no longer impact sailors from development.
# Governments
- Lost Mandate now lasts for 20 years and in addition to its old effects it also reduces diplomacy gain and includes effects from being at 0 Mandate.
- Losing Mandate now lowers stability by 2.
- Having lost Mandate makes separatist rebels more likely.
- The Unguarded Nomadic Frontier disaster will now progress more quickly.
- Reforming society now requires ADM tech 8.
- Subjects can no longer add provinces to the HRE.
# Ideas & Policies
- Strengthened the Naval Idea group.
# Technology
- Institutions will no longer spread automatically in Trade Company member provinces after the owning country due to the owner country embracing them.
- Docks now comes before Shipyars in technology.
# Units
- Ships on the seas now have a sailors maintainance cost of about 2% each month. Some ideas and effects can reduce it.
# AI
# Diplomacy
- Heavily reduced colonial AIs' desire to put vital interest everywhere.
- Fixed issues with AI who wants to make you a Tributary not being aggressive/punishing enough when you decline.
- Fixed that AI considering attacking a Tributary heavily underestimated power of the overlord if the latter would join.
- Improved AI power balance estimates in war declaration logic.
- AI Tributary States, Colonial Subjects, and Daimyo Vassals now build spy networks only on their own behalf (not for their overlord).
- Improved risk evaluation for AI armies.
- Added AI setting to Keep All Treaties.
- AI nations might now join the HRE if they need the Emperor's protection and have a friendly attitude towards the Emperor.
- AI now cares more about the Treaty of Tordesillas (especially when allied with claimant).
- Fixed bug that caused AI to get way over allowed number of diplomatic relations.
- Fixed that AI couldn't select peace treaties with a capped war score cost, if the uncapped cost was above 100%.
- When the AI declares a war to punish for not accepting tributary status or refusing to pay tribute, they are now less eager to have peace.
- AI now cares more about not getting above number of allowed relations (-50 instead of -20).
- Tweaked AI somewhat to make a more diverse (less blobby) HRE.
- AI HRE Emperor now acts more to release princes and return provinces to their rightful owners.
- Fixed bug that caused AI to never leave a coalition.
# Economy
- AI now tries to reduce war exhaustion down to almost 0 when at peace.
- AI can now go above budget to recruit enough troops for a siege (though not over force limit).
# War
- AI Tributaries no longer think their Overlord makes them safe when in important/critical wars.
- Fixed case where AI naval transport could get stuck forever.
- Fixed case where AI war allies could together siege down a fort, but not each individually, and both just stayed home.
- Fixed issue where AI didn't send well needed reinforcements to battles.
# Interface
# Country
- Fixed that only one personality was shown for foreign rulers in an elective monarchy.
- Text telling you when you get your next favor now also lists the year.
- Scrollbar scrolling speed now better adapted to amount of text in textboxes with scrollbars.
- Government View: Improved absolutism tooltips.
- Fixed that sorting by Liberty Desire in subjects view didn't work for all subject types.
- Diplomacy view Personal Union relation tooltip now shows information about inheritance and chance to break free again.
- Diplomacy view Tributary relation tooltip now shows Tributary information also on Tributary's screen.
# Ledger
- Improved devastation display on page 9 of the ledger.
# Pop-ups
- Added a separate popup for being dragged into a subject's war.
# Provinces
- State View: Improved tooltips for Raise Banners GUI elements.
- State View: Banner GUI elements are now shown if you or the selected province's owner has the possibility to raise banners (Manchu as primary culture).
- Added an option to disallow manual changes to province names in multiplayer.
- Estimate for how much you will earn from making a state now also assumes you will make it a full core.
# Tooltips
- Fixed that coalition warning in peace view always said coalition would form against you, even when it should say them.
- Fixed that coalition warning in peace view didn't show Tributaries or Daimyos.
- "Embargo Rivals" subject interaction now has a separate tooltip for cancelling.
- State Maintenance reduction values are now shown when building buildings with modifiers to State Maintenance.
- War declaration dialog co-belligerent tooltips will now refer to either "ally" or the subject type name.
- Fixed Demand Unlawful Territory acceptance (has a claim) tooltip missing province name.
- Fixed that War declaration dialog co-belligerent tooltips refered to enemy allies as "the enemy Tributary/Colony/Daimyo" if they were a subject to someone else.
- Added a warning to razing tooltip when you would not get any monarch power due to penalties.
- Added more information about cavalry to infantry ratio in the military view tooltip for the value.
- Reworded cavalry to infantry ratio to be more readable.
# Usermodding
# Buildings
- Added the attribute "indestructible" to buildings, setting it to yes will exempt that type of building from being destroyed by bankruptcy.
# Defines
# Effects
- Added add_adm_tech, add_dip_tech, add_mil_tech effects.
- Added add_next_institution_embracement =
# Logging
- Error log now gets two backups ("error_old.log" and "error_old_old.log").
# Modifiers
- Added new country modifier 'sailor_maintenance_modifer'
- imperial_authority_value modifier now only affects HRE Authority.
- imperial_mandate modifier instead added to affect Mandate.
# Triggers
- Fixed that "is_owned_by_trade_company = no" didn't take the "no" part.
- Added is_potential_overlord and can_be_established to subject types, and can_be_overlord trigger, checking against the former.
- Added revanchism trigger.
- Added log effect and trigger.
- Added add_active_policy and had_active_policy effect and trigger.
- Added scripted function can_declare_bankruptcy.
- Added scripted function can_colonize_province.
- is_incident_active trigger now supports = any/yes/no/none.
# Other
- Scripted diplomatic actions (partially) supported, intended to allow for modded subject types.
- variable_arithmetic_trigger allows for defining, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and checking variables locally.
# Script
# Decisions
- Can now form Manchu tag as long as you have Manchu culture, instead of having to be one of the three Jurchen tags.
- Added Decision to form Great Yuan.
- Decision to restore the Chinese Empire if held by someone not in China removed.
- AI now even more reluctant to make the decision to fight Cossack revolters in the disloyal Cossack event for having angered the Cossack estate.
# Events
- Renamed Shushi-Gaku incident to Neo-Confucianism.
- Timer for new shinto incident now counts from end of last incident instead of begining.
- Price change event for chinaware now triggers at 5% trade share for a european power rather than 10%.
- Bötger Event for reducing the price of Chinaware now requires the price to have gone up first (so that there is a demand for it).
- Adjusted some price change events based on European demand to be more accessible for non-europeans if they own land in Europe.
- Added new flavor events for Hungary.
- Added event to allow Dai Viet to choose between Confucianism and Mahayana Buddhism in the early game for owners of Mandate of Heaven.
- The Estate event Disloyal Cossacks will now only spawn peasant rebels and never nationalists.
- The Russian flavor event for the Grand Embassy will now add a small amount of institution progress to the latest non-present institution in their capital.
# Governments
- If an outside power takes Kyoto and the old Shogunate retains other provinces they will now lose the Shogunate status and forfiet their Daimyo. As before a Daimyo can re-establish the Shogunate by conquering Kyoto.
# Ideas
- Added Great Yuan Ideas.
# Modifiers
- add_manpower with decimal values between (but not including) -1, 1 no longer means "fraction of max manpower". Use add_yearly_manpower for this purpose instead.
- Updated scripts to use add_yearly_manpower instead of deprecated use of add_manpower to add percentage of total pool.
- Empire of China now makes the Righteous personality invalid.
# Setup
- Capital of Changthang changed to Balkhuduk.
- The Vistula Spit now extends all the way from Danzig to Königsberg. Marienburg and Ermland are no longer ports.
- Split Moravia province into Brno and Olomouc
- Split Breslau province into Breslau and Leignitz
- Added Fejér province.
- Added Belgrade province (Nándorfehérvár at start due to being owned by Hungary).
- Added Trencin Province and redrew Slovakia slightly.
- Renamed Ersekujvar to Hont in 1444.
- Added Moravian revolter tag.
- Corrected province assignment for the parts of the Chukotka peninsula that shows.
- Fixed colormap problem near Rybinsk.
- Adjusted the borders of Canton to be more clear.
- Cleaned up province histories in Hungary
- Pest is now and inland Center of Trade.
- Socotra is now in Asia.
- Changsheng is now properly the primary tag for the Zhuang culture.
- Gyeongsung and Yukjin now start with Korean culture.
- Manchu culture is now part of the Evenk culture group.
# Bugfixes
- Checks for allowing migration and provinces you can migrate to are now more consistent.
- Fixed crash after deleting Custom Country after rulers were given random personalities.
- New Ironman save files are now created when starting game instead of when selecting file name.
- Spanish Philipines now cored at the apropriate date in historical starts.
- Personality Event 49 will no longer have you inviting yourself to a party if you hold more than one throne.
- Can no longer develop or build in undiscovered provinces.
- Countries now get Parliaments when switching to government forms that have them enabled.
- Corrected some triggers that looked for ruler instead of consort in consort_events.303 to 305.
- Wanting subjects' provinces is now separate from wanting owned provinces.
- Removed extra Cape in the province name of "Cape Cà Mau."
- Expanded mechanic explanation for Shinto mechanic tooltip.
- Autonomous rebel suppression no longer send units to hunt rebels in your Tributaries.
- Fixed bug that could potentially allow incidents to trigger before the current incident had been seen to completion.
- Fixed some typos in the Austrian mission, "Reclaim the Imperial Crown".
- Fixed issue where achivements for an Ironman save could be disabled just after creating the save and quitting the game using Alt-F4.
- Province/State View: Fixed missing localisation for "Culture".
- Papal annulment popup should no longer claim that it is the pope who is getting a divorce.
- Subject Interaction Event 40 "Rightful Ownership" will now refer to what province it targets and the AI will evaluate their decision to grant or retain it more carefully.
- Gelre now properly has an heir in 1444.
- Fixed colonial nations losing cores and/or disappearing when executing history.
- Transfer Occupation window now gets closed when province view does.
- Estimated arrival date for units will now be more correct.
- Units will no longer lose movement progress to the next province on arrival.
- Fixed renaming of files (including save files) not working on Windows if user account name contained special characters like "Ł".
- Revolt popup now checks the owner of the province if the controller isn't real.
- Improved selection of Byzantine Missions and Purple Phoenix Missions and made them more consistent in not targeting allies or vassals in all but a select few cases.
- Moving capital will now clear estates from the new capital.
- Popup for another country joining your trade league now uses more lines to avoid overflow.
- Fixed bad unit position in Bohuslän.
- Can no longer get "trading in" bonus for a trade good from an undiscovered trade node.
- All of Karenni area now part of the Siam Trade node.
- Noble disaster will no longer change government for Shogunate or Daimyo.
- Ryuku no longer a subject of non-existant Ashikaga in the later start dates. Instead they are a subject of Tokugawa.
- Fixed title of first Shimazu idea.
- Fixed some duplicated province capital names in America.
- More triggers and effects are now properly capitalized.
- Added colors to spy network event effect tooltip.
- Fixed wrong province used in description text for Shinto Event 3.
- Ambition bonus now consistently written as that rather than 'Ambitions'.
- Fixed battles not ending in some cases after a complete collapse of one side.
- Qing now starts as a Celestial Empire after 1644.10.30.
- Hindu events should now compensate you with some monarch power if you cannot benefit from their stat boosts.
- Fixed faulty trigger in Nanban Incident that made it unable to trigger.
- Event 9030 "Traveling Monk" will now only trigger for one province nations that might still care about such visitors.
- The Shadow Kingdom now corresponds to new map areas better.
- The Pope will no longer worry that he might catch himself doing espionage in the Seal of Confession event.
- Independent Colonial Nations will no longer turn back to colonies if they should keep their independence when executing history.
- Tooltip for inviting to trade league will no longer also complain about transferred trade power if the recipient is already in a league.
- Estate event "Popular Religion" now blocked for Confucian countries.
- Fixed issue that could make the Christianity in japan incident chain end prematurely.
- Subjects no longer give their overlord the glory of owning all provinces of the subject's culture, and keep it for themselves instead.
- Tooltip for free slots in macro builder province building list will now state the amount of buildings in the province too.
- Japanese flavor event "Attempted Coup" now much more rare.
- Fixed edict icon vanishing after opening a territory state window and then switching to a real state.
- Added PS_WAR_TAXES_LIMIT_MIN (= 0 by default) to limit the minimum cost of war taxes.
- kill_leader effect will no longer kill all leaders of a given type.
- Fixed Tributaries not getting e.g. Conquest Casus Belli based on vassals' claims.
- OSX/Linux: Fixed CTD when showing message regarding tributaries not able to pay their yearly tribute.
- Fixed state view province list sort being very unruly.
- Tributaries can now Vassalize other Tributaries.
- Fixed Korea not having an old era for the confucian event about an old text.
- Vassals of a country annexed by a Tributary now correctly goes to the Tributary and not their overlord.
- Fixed CTD in CCountry::ClearRelations.
- Province view buildings list button will no longer disappear if the institution window was open when vising the state view, and then got closed.
- add_harmonized_religion tooltip will now correctly include the name of the religion.
- Japanese Colonial Nation rebels will no longer secede from the CN to become daimyos of Japan.
- Can no longer cancel Tributary Status while having a truce.
- Tributaries can now upgrade their Government Rank.
- Fixed regular (not territorial) cores sometimes disappearing when annexing countries.
- A country's delayed events are now updated to the new tag when forming a new tag.
- Pretender rebels from tribal succession crisis will now start with one province controlled.
- Tribal succession crisis can now only trigger for hordes bigger than 3 provinces.
- The War of the Roses event for lack of an heir will no longer trigger if you already have that personality. The infertile personality now counts as if you had the modifier given by this event for purposes of disaster progress after the year of 1455.
- Buddhist nations now pay Diplomatic Power for taking provinces in peace deals.
- Added checks to a few heir spawning events that lacked them for being lesser in union.
- Countries will no longer think their tributaries contribute to their relative strength.
- A Country will no longer consider its own colonies but not the enemy's in relative strength calculation.
- Fixed that popup said regent (or consort regent) had died when a Unior Partner declared an independence war.
- Fixed some inconsistencies in the reform society decision.
- Fixed that Personal Union juniors kept their heir even when he/she succeeded to the throne.
- No longer possible to cancel trade power transfer as a subject if Divert Trade is enabled.
- Warnings and Guarantees now get cleared when entering a subject relation.
- Fixed is_dynamic_tag trigger returning wrong value when used with NOT.
- Can no longer call in allies in a voluntary subject relationship against their overlord.
- Fixed some provinces belonging to both Gulf of St Lawrence and Hudson Bay Trade nodes.
- Fixed bad scoping in ai idea weights.
- Can now only scorch earth in provinces either controlled by you or owned by your enemies.
- Fixed bug where Ming would accidentally forcibly convert all christians under their rule, regardless of how many and where in the world they reside.
- Fixed crash in COfferCondottieriAction.
- OSX/Linux: Fixed crash when events were fired by Incidents.
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