- 《职业滑板高手2》(Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2)作弊码
- 平台:PC 类型:游戏工具 发布:2015-01-19 大小:2 KB
- 标签: 作弊码 游戏工具 职业滑板高手2
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手机扫一扫 安装更快捷
Thin Skater : Pause gameplay, Hold "Numpad-7" and press : Spacebar,
Spacebar, Spacebar, Spacebar, C, Spacebar, Spacebar,
Spacebar, Spacebar, C, Spacebar, Spacebar, Spacebar,
Spacebar, C.
Keep repeating to make skater thinner.
Neversoft Skaters : At the Main Menu, hold "Numpad-7" and press :
Up, C, C, V, Right, Up, B, V.
Now create a skater with a Neversoft Dev Team name.
Special Meter Always Full : Pause gameplay, hold "Numpad-7" and press :
Spacebar, V, B, B, Up, Left, V, C.
Raise Stats to 10 : Pause gameplay, hold "Numpad-7" and press :
Spacebar, V, B, C, V, Up, Down.
Turbo Mode : Pause gameplay, hold "Numpad-7" and press :
Down, C, V, Right, Up, B, Down, C, V, Right, Up, B.
Fat Skater : Pause gameplay, hold "Numpad-7" and press :
Spacebar, Spacebar, Spacebar, Spacebar, Left, Spacebar,
Spacebar, Spacebar, Spacebar, Left, Spacebar, Spacebar,
Spacebar, Spacebar, Left.
Keep repeating to make skater fatter.
Blood Mode : Pause gameplay, hold "Numpad-7" and press :
Right, Up, C, V.
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