- [街机MODEL3游戏]非常救护车+模拟器游戏
- 平台:Android 类型:街机游戏 发布:2021-07-22 大小:60.9 MB
- 标签: [街机MODEL3游戏]非常救护车+模拟器 街机合集 单机游戏 简体中文
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超级急救车自带Sega Model 3街机模拟器,无论何时,游戏中你将扮演已拯救生命为最高任务的急救车司机,Emergency Call Ambulance (c) 1999 Sega.eca.zipBecome an emergency medical technician in Emergency Call Ambulance. Day or night, you're on the call! Race to the scene of a serious traffic accident, spectacular fire or senseless act of big city violence. You're mission : get the injured to the hospital emergency room as quickly and safely as possible! Players are kept aware of their patient's condition by monitoring their 'health point' indicator. Reckless driving or hitting other vehicles will dramatically reduce your patient's 'health point' indicator. Follow the on-screen directions or choose your own route. The game ends if the 'health point' indicator reaches zero before you deliver the patient to the hospital. Make it in time, and you're off to the next emergency call!如需解压密码请输入www.mamecn.comhttp://bbs.mamecn.com/viewthread.php?tid=11132&extra=page%3D1感兴趣的玩家快来游乐网下载试试吧!还可以在百度上搜索“[街机MODEL3游戏]非常救护车+模拟器游乐网”
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